A picture a day of the town of Lexington, Virginia
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Bachelor's quarters
A huge, fantastic tree casts a black shadow on red-gold brick as the sun goes down.
One last post from Stono, for now: I believe this is the former office, now listed as "bachelor's quarters" under faculty housing at VMI. Not a bad bachelor's pad.
A town of 7,000 in the Shenandoah Valley -- home to Washington and Lee University and the Virginia Military Institute; resting place of Civil War generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson; and at the center of one of the prettiest counties in Virginia: Rockbridge County.
I'm not a photo-grapher -- just doing the best I can to represent my town with my tiny Nikon Coolpix 2200. (Feel free to offer photography criticism.) Taking pictures for this blog will keep me looking around.
Nope, not a bad pad at all! Love the shadows :)
Very nice play of light and shadow. I love the tree, the house, the stone fence.
Beautiful composition and great light! The tree shadow looks awesome.
MK, you catch the best shadows and warmest light! Stunning.
That is beautiful, the golden light streaming thtough.
Wonderful composition with warm colors who matched.
What a lovely corner! Beautiful lights and shadows...
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